We have always had a commitment to our customers and the resident screening industry. Recently, the company has joined forces with others in this industry by becoming a member of the important resident screening industry organization, the National Association of Professional Background Screeners. The NAPBS consists of 300 members across the country, all of whom are affiliated in one way or another with this important, ever-changing industry.
We are a regular voting member of this organization. Regular members are resident screening organizations or other background screening organizations. Regular members work alongside non-voting affiliate and associate members, who are indirectly affiliated with the industry. Associate and affiliate members often include lawyers, insurance agents, consulting firms, public records retrievers and human resources professionals. Together, these parties work together to educate one another, improve the industry, train for the future and gather industry news.
One major goal of the NAPBS is to advocate our causes, such as privacy rights and consumer protection, to local, state and national government officials. We look forward to participating in these advocacy efforts, and we support the NAPBS as they work to improve not only the resident screening industry but also the world around us. This is an important function of any professional organization, and the NAPBS takes its advocacy efforts seriously.
The NAPBS is committed to providing the best resources for its members, and we are committed to taking full advantage of membership benefits. We plan to take an active part in this organization, and look forward to attending conferences, training opportunities, meetings and webinars in order to get the most out of our membership. We look forward to networking with other professionals in the industry. Our customers rely on our information and our national resident checks in order to make important decisions, and we recognize the important role that we serve.
The PRWeb Press Release: