At, we know that our customers want instant access to the best public records data available through our online court records and background check packages. We have always tried to make the ordering process as simple as possible, so that our customers can make important rental decisions in a timely manner. With that in mind, we have once again improved the process by launching a product list web page.
This product listing page outlines every court record search and background check package that we offer at By simply scanning this page, customers can evaluate their own personal needs and decide which background check option is the right one for them. Many of our tenant screening packages provide instant results, allowing landlords and property managers to make important rental decisions in a timely manner.
Our customers are our top priority. We want to make sure we provide them not only with the best information available in clear, concise reports, but we also want to make the process as easy as possible. Forget the hassle of trying to get this information yourself or placing an order through a cumbersome online system. At, we offer quality tenant eviction records and criminal records with the click of a button.
We have a reputation of taking our customer feedback very seriously, and implement our customers’ suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you about the new court record search product list page at, and welcome your feedback about our ordering process.
Eviction Records provides accurate and affordable resident screening solutions to help landlords and property managers make informed tenant screening decisions. Tenant screening services include: eviction records, criminal records, a federal report search, county court record search, a national sex offender registry search, identity verification, and an address history verification.
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